The scene behind the scenes. A day in the life of Glam Adelaide owner & MD, Kelly Noble.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Adelaide/SA/Australia Twitter Recommendations
For What's On In Adelaide, check out @glamadelaide (and then go and sign up to my weekly eNewsletter for the complete listing at
And don't forget to add me! @kellynoble
@eldertonwines @chapelhillwine @schillerwine @whistlerwines @McLarenValeWine @Barossa_Gourmet @intwines @lazyballerina @coriole @LonelyGrape @ValeBrewing @Teusnerwine @OliversTaranga @Kirrihill @yalumba
@AmalfiShirts @chasingnel @Garlandsandm @MiniStyle @TamangoBoutique @minifashionista @ZIMMERMANN_ @the_new_guard
@HodderBuilders @oceabeautybar @NovatechSA @PalaceNova @ASENTMediaCentr @SAMaritimeMuseu @PRIDEMODELS @FineArtFraming @DymocksAdelaide @AussieInc @fringe_benefits @Internode @AdelaideHighTea @foolkitlegal @sherpagroup @whois_com_au @EPWAdelaide @tad_sa @tourismsa @VenueTix @ARTSTYLEGALLERY @HistoryTrustSA @AdelaideFramers @distinctivehome @UniofAdelaide @dessminibus @SLSA @WallCann @MercureAdelaide @AdYO @UrbanCowStudio @VitalsTheatreCo @TLegalLawyers @SonoAdvertising @sealinktravel @SA_TIC @pmgaustralia @StateTheatreSA @sashandbow @FineArtFraming @BrockLifestyle @anthonyadelaide @NatMotorMuseum @distinctivehome @ade_cyclists @VokBeverages
@FosterHillPR @jaymormarketing @PPRAdelaide @GrayManagement @KingdomAdv
@familyfirstsa @DrJaneLS @premiermikerann @CityofAdelaide @MichaelWrightMP
@Feastfinefoods @EatoutAdelaide @myParadiso @webmenu_com_au
@Hotel_Tivoli @BarNine @AmBarLoungeAdl @adelaide_fringe @AdelaideFest @AdelaideVenues @SaltGlenelg @ADRD @soundsbyriver @Adelaide_UniBar @UniSA_One @graceemilyhotel @AdelaideZombie @tourdownunder @ElderHall @TheWindsorHotel @TheHWY @ChateauTanunda @FishGlenelg
@Adelaide_FC @PAFC @PAFCNews @Adelaide36ers @adelaideunited @A1kiteboarding @ausfoos @westadelaidefc @southadelaidefc @SANFLnews
@Heart_SA @AsthmaSA @CancerCouncilSA @McGrathFdn @CancerVoicesSA @WCH_Foundation @KickItToMe @RSPCAAdelaide
@streakybay @adelaidejobs @MurrayBridgeSA @Escape2Willunga @SAUnions @Biershop @VitalsTheatreCo
@ADLtwestival @atub @networkadelaide @adelaidetweetup
@GLAMAdelaide @FreshFM @messengernews @theindependentw @adelaidenow @sunmail @Mix1023 @Nova919News @1395FIVEaa @transformmag @saformals @messengerfooty @TheCounterpart @FitzyClaireJule @abcnewsAdelaide @AdelaideNews @MERGEMagazine @adinformer @Trev_breakfast @ShanenSargeNova @theAdelaidemag @Accordionhans @onion_magazine @Accordionhans @Brayds @JarrodWalsh @radelaide_net
@webflame @adelaidect @Internode @digital_lamb @powerongroup @@DataCabler
@GuySebastian @jennihogan @SimonFitz
@news_com_au @Lifelounge @madisonmag @brigandtom @SoniaAndTodd @australian @GreenPagesAu @news_com_au @abcnews @OnyaMag @cazhmere @nwjournal @inthemix_com_au @newsaustralia @GourmetTweets @ShopTilYouDrop @marie_claire_au @CosmopolitanAU @womenshealthaus @PeppermintMag @ShopTilYouDrop @AcclaimMagazine @stealthmagazine
@TheUWC @aussie_wine @downunderwines @ATLASWINES @AussieWineBlog @WinewithoutBS @HolmOakWinesTas @aussiewinecrush // NZ @birdwines @WineryNZ @GrapeVineGuru @bigredwinebook
@eatdrink @sydneyeats @fgvic @FOODweek @EatoutSydney
@moshtix_com_au @SustainableHD @OZ_Artists @Penny_Wong @MPHAustralia @HarperBooksAus @ni_australia @tigerairwaysaus @Equal_Rights @AnthonyCallea @RAZORaustralia @Blue_Mountainss @YoungAustralia @good_vibrations @JetstarAirways @jessicamauboy @nikkiwebster @KevinRuddPM @VAustralia @GreenCrossAus @snowsportonline @ClemengerBBDO
@MasterChef_Aust @ProjectRunwayOZ @Rove1974 @thetodayshow @arjbarker @DHughesy @sunriseon7 @SBS @TVdotcomAU @CHANNELTENPRESS @thetodayshow
@Yahoo7_Sport @AFL_News @superfooty @FOXSPORTSAU_BRK @Geelong_FC
Want to add your business or recommend anything? Let me know!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Day 5
On Wednesday I went into the North Adelaide Hypoxi for my first session. I was measured up and weighed and then unleashed on the fab little piece of equipment that will hopefully be changing my life, and my dimensions ;-)
Basically what happens, is that before you begin, you get a thin strap placed around your upper thigh (it measures your core heat) and another strap around your rib cage (to measure your heart rate). You then pop on a little wetsuit material skirt which goes from just below your bra (where its quite tight) and drops into a flared at your hips.
Once kitted up, you then enter the 'machine'. This is an exercise bike with a sort of capsule that once seated, pushes together around you and locks into the wetsuit skirt thing. This is really hard to explain but the whole idea is that from the ribs down, you are then enclosed in this capsule.
Then you just peddle. And not even strenuously.
The capsule adjusts the pressure constantly so it goes from a vaccum like state where your wetsuit air lock sucks down, and then it reverses so your wetsuit balloons out a bit.
The idea is that it encourages your circulation to increase in your lower body which helps target cellulite and fat burning.
Considering each session is only 1/2 hour of reasonable exercise, while I get to sit there and watch movies on the large plasma in front of me, I think this is awesome.
I have now been three times (you are meant to go three times a week) and I have been booked in for another three weeks.
Once I start getting results I'll post them so you can see how this is all going.
If it works, I'll be the first to promote this because it's SO EASY and isn't time consuming at all. Stay tuned...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I've fallen off the wagon...
Rather than my usual gym routine, I have decided to give something new a shot. Just near my office in North Adelaide is a Hypoxi shop front, so I am kick starting the new me, with a month-long program that will apparently see results straight away.
This is what I’m talking about.
My first appointment is on Wednesday at 10am and will go for an hour as they go through the program with me and take some measurements.
Once I know more, I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, let’s call my current situation Ground Zero. I can only get better from here.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wrap up from Online Diva event...
One little surprise we had last nigh was that my fantastic photographer, Ernest McLeod from nuovogue, piped up after listening to the girls talk all night, and revealed that he's a blogger and has gained over 6000 followers in only two months. Most impressive. I'll have to check out his work.
Oh, and I have a renewed love for Botanic bar now. The atmosphere was great for last night's event (I'm only used to seeing it completely packed, later at night).
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Online Divas Tonight!
Oh course, I said yes.
Due to the very nature of online however, me speaking about a host of fabulous websites I adore will be difficult for people to remember - so I thought I'd use my neglected blog to pop some things down for anyone who cares to read on.
Firstly, you need to check out
Online Divas comes to Adelaide to teach South Australian women how to become Online Entrepreneurs
Become an Online Diva, learn how to be financially independent and make money online
11th August 2009, Adelaide – supported by PayPal Australia, the world’s first online community of online businesswomen, will have a winter warming event in Adelaide on Tuesday 18th August at 6pm.
Held in the stunning CBD location, this Online Divas event is a great opportunity for networking with other online businesswomen.
During the interactive presentation you can ask the three successful Online Divas all the questions you want about online businesses and they will share their secrets of success with you.
After the Q&A concludes a cocktail party commences where guests can exchange ideas, share information and talk with other like-minded entrepreneurs.
(I was asked for my top five, but I had to stretch this a little)
(Get all my contact sites in one spot)
(My own website, how can I not include it!)
Charlie Robinson:
Steve Davis:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
5AA Photos!

Friday, May 29, 2009
5AA Hour with Sean Perry, May 24th
Segment two of the hour includes a discussion about Rock, Paper, Scissors and Sean's latest rock star hairdo.
Segment three includes discussion about the Roller Derby and McLaren Vale Sea & Vines Festival.
Segment 4 discussed the Cabaret Festival and the new GLAM Adelaide Arts Editor Barry Lenny.
Segment 5 is all about the Sunday Mail Foundation's Famous Faces Luncheon and Angela Condous.
Segment 6 mentions the Ultimate Blokes Expo, the Adelaide Festival of Ideas and Insight 'A Thousand Words' Photography Exhibition (and Don Chu!)
Part 7: Discussion about Palace Nova Cinemas and Coco Avant Chanel film, plus other movies.
Part 8: Mention of Peter Seller's World's End play and my career in clowning until I had an incident with some unfriendly dogs.
Part 9: Discussion about Eye2eye Gallery, Gilbert Roe Exhibition, Japanese Art Exhibition, Cork Wine Cafe Launch, Jason Jurecky, Amico Cafe, Colonel Light Hotel Oyster Bar.
Chasing Nel Fashion Parade

Come along to this fabulous fashion parade that I'll be hosting in late June. We'll be raising funds for the Salvation Army and enjoy the great designer gear from Chasing Nel. Always hard to decide what to wear when attending an event like this though. Don't want to be too drab when surrounded by fashionistas and models. Hmmmm.
Thursday, May 28, 2009

To support CARA visit
To check out all the photos from the event visit
PICS- Above: my addition to the charity canvas, Below: Lisa McAskill (Postcards), me and Rachel Sporn (Adelaide Lightning) in front of the canvas.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Next Gen Update - Great News for Members
It’s good that Adelaide’s best gym has now listened to their members and made the changes they needed and I’m pleased to be able to go back to using the gym (especially now that my 30th is right around the corner!). I’ve even found myself a new gym buddy (the inspirational Ania) so wish me luck, it’s time for me to get back on the wagon.
Kissing For Charity
Adelaide personalities will “pucker up” for charity tomorrow to help raise money and sell a charity edition lipstick for CARA (Community Accommodation & Respite Agency). Personalities and celebrities will be kissing a canvass and leaving their mark in support of South Australian’s with a disability.
Selected personalities will also be challenged to test their makeup skills on members of the public. With only 5 minutes to make a dazzling makeup impact who knows what the results will be!
WHAT: Adelaide celebs pucker up for charity
WHEN: Wednesday May 27, 2009
WHERE: Rundle Mall in front of Adelaide Arcade
Time: 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Footage Opportunity:
· Personalities makeup challenge! Watch them transform members of the public with their exceptional makeup skills!
· Personalities will be selling Charity Editions lipsticks for $25 outside of Adelaide Arcade from 12-2pm
· Personalities showing off their “sales skills” selling lipsticks to the public
· Lip shaped cupcakes will be given out to all those who purchase a charity lipstick
Personalities include:
Jodie Blewett – MIX 102.3
Bianca and Christine Santic
Lisa McAskill (Postcards)
Lucas Pantelis and wife Carla – Adelaide United
Donna Cockayne and Rachael Quigley – Adelaide United Women’s League
Melody Horrill – Channel 7
Nathan Strempel - Big Brother ’08 and Cara Ambassador
Kelly Noble – GLAM Adelaide
Jessica Hurt –Entertainment Editor The Advertiser
Rachel Sporn- Adelaide Lightning
Amity Dry - singer and entertainer
Finesse Modeling Agency models
Monday, April 20, 2009
The question of the flag...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Differences I've Noticed
Strange little differences between the States and Australia.
When something is on TV and it's called a Premier in the US, it's the first episode of a brand new show. Worth watching. When it's called a Premier in Australia, it just means that station hasn't aired it before. So premier screenings of movies on TV in Australia are not always new. They could be 5 years old, just never screened before.
When you say "Fix me up" at a bar in Australia, it generally means, fix up the tab, I want to pay. In the US it seems to mean, fix me another drink bartender.
Breaking news in Australia, means wow, stop what you're doing, this is big and serious and you need to know. Breaking news in the States means, this is new information which you haven't heard before. If it's not breaking news, it's something that has been reported on all day already.
There are so many others I can't think of right now, but I thought I'd start the list while those were on my mind.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Boston's Big Dig

I'm going to
The Big Dig is a $14.6 BILLION dollar project happening in
Having this valuable knowledge tucked away in my head now, I'm feel like I'm finally ready to see
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Things I love about Chicago...
- I love that a vast majority of the men here have wonderful manners. They open doors for ladies and allow us to go first.
- I love that even in a building of 30 floors, people in my apartment say "have a nice day" when you get out of a shared elevator.
- I love that pickles are served as a side dish to pretty much everything. I'll thank my Canadian mother for giving me a taste for those treats growing up!
- I love that as soon as the temperature rises above freezing, people celebrate by wearing thongs (flip flops) and t-shirts. It's still only a couple of degrees above zero but hey, who am I to judge? Hahaha.
- I love that I have seen women in floor length mink coats riding the public buses alongside girls wearing slippers and dressing gowns.
- I love that my gym has ipod devices on the treatmills, so that you can not only listen to music but watch movies or TV shows that you've brought, plus you can save your workout details to a USB stick to map your progress. Let's hope this technology comes to Australia soon!
- I love that anyone medical wears those blue cotton tops and pants made famous by shows like ER. Gives me confidence in them somehow.
- Finally, despite the struggle for some people to understand me, I love the fact that once someone realises I'm from Australia, they always have nice things to say about our country. It's great to be from a place that everyone loves.
Tweeting With The Stars
Use facebook? Basically Twitter is a giant list of status updates without the hassle of a profile. I have found that a lot of people use it to post links to great websites - either ones they are promoting or things they have stumbled across. Either way, it saves me looking for them and I get some interesting personal insights along the way.
One thing I have also discovered while on Twitter, is that there is a community of stars who have jumped on board this craze! Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are the most famous Twitter couple from Hollywood, but there are many others to look out for.
Here is a list of people you may be tempted to 'follow' to gain a glimpse into their personal lives. These are all verified but be warned, if you go looking for more there are just as many fakes on Twitter as any other social media site.
Al Gore = algore
Ashton Kutcher = aplusk
Brea Grant from Heroes (Daphne) = breagrant
Britney Spears = britneyspears (this is just her PR team)
Coldplay = coldplay
Dave Matthews, musician = davejmatthews
Demi Moore = mrskutcher
Greg Grunberg from Heroes (Parkman) = greggrunberg
James Kyson Lee from Heroes (Ando) = JamesKysonLee
Jimmy Fallon, host of new Late Night = jimmyfallon
John Cleese = johncleese
Lance Armstrong = lancearmstrong
Lily Allen = lilyroseallen
MC Hammer = mchammer
President Obama = barakobama
Rainn Wilson from the Office = rainnwilson
Richard Branson = richardbranson
Shaquille O'Neil = the_real_shaq
Soleil Moon Frye aka Punky Brewster = moonfrye
Stephen Fry, British Comedian = stephenfry
Monday, March 2, 2009
Two Great Reasons To Be In Chicago In March
Besides Restaurant Week, March signals the start of St Patrick's Day in a city filled with Irishmen. Decorations are up in pubs everywhere already and today was the first of many St Patrick's Day parades.
What I can't wait for however, is when they dye the Chicago river green. A modern day miracle occurs each year as part of the St Patrick's Day parade celebration when the Chicago river turns an incredible shade of Irish green. This spectacular transformation ranks right up there with the parting of the sea by Moses and the Pyramids of Egypt.
Friday, February 27, 2009
I Love The Chicago Music Scene

Here are some of my 'observations' from those musical interludes.
The Green Mill
- There were more guys coming out of the men's room than going in. Is there a secret door I don't know about? I have heard there are secret booze tunnels under the venue from Al Capone days. Anything is possible I guess.
- The band we heard was called Deep Blue Blues. They were a very talented three piece set. There was an older guy on the organ wearing black sunglasses and facing anywhere but the keyboard (reminiscent of Ray Charles without the singing). We still don't know how he did it.
- There were two taps over the bathroom sink. A hot and a cold. About a foot apart. You have a choice to use ice cold water that sends your hands into spasms, or you can burn yourself. There is no opportunity to mix the two. Why on earth do taps like that even exist. Are you meant to dart your hands from one stream of water to the next? Just a question.
- Fox and I went to the Green Mill with a guy who is writing a dating book. He is the third 'date doctor' I have met that is single. Does anyone else think that is strange? Either they are not taking their own advice, or they are dishing out advice that doesn't work. He's a great guy, but I these thoughts certainly crossed my mind while he was talking about his book.
- In my notes from the event, I had written that Solange performed like Beyonce on ADD meds. I just discovered, while I was looking for the name of one of her songs from last night, that Solange is Beyonce's sister. Hilarious. She clearly takes a lot of direction from her more famous sister. I had no idea.
- I found it really bizarre that the back up singers/dancers were strutting 1920's cabaret dance moves and her band had a Beatles-esq guitarist while Solange was throwing serpent-like shakes around the stage. Very mismatched.
- In a VERY unusual move, Solange walked off the stage and down into the audience, just wandering around while she sang, mobbed by the crowd. I have NEVER seen that before.
- There was a creepy balding middle aged man in the front row, pressed up against the stage filming up Solange's short skirt. Take note of this for my next bit on Estelle.
- Finally, as Solange finished up her show she accidentally threw her mike stand into the audience, hitting the people in the front row. Don't think anyone was hurt, but in the land of the law suit, I wouldn't want to be Solange right now.
- Early into Solange's set, she sang a great cover of Love Fool (, and you could see Estelle dancing and clapping in the opera box above the stage. Very cool. Throughout all of Estelle's performance however, Solange didn't clap once or look particularly interested in the show.
- Estelle makes a page boy haircut look cool. Note: The rest of the world should not try and copy this look. It will go horribly wrong.
- While Estelle was dressed demurely in jeans, a black top and a sharp white suit jacket (and no ridiculous bling) she did have a gold mike. A girl's gotta have her indulgences.
- Estelle's final song (before her encore) was 'American Boy', with 'I want to show you love' mixed in. All I could think about was Mobin Master. Haha.
- Ahhhh the subtlety. Yes, Estelle mentioned her Grammy.
- Estelle got people from the crowd to come up on stage. She somehow picked the creepy middle aged man that had been filming Solange. He started grinding on her and trying to be sexy in his cardigan. It was sooo wrong. His name was David. Dirty David I think. He ended up taking off his glasses and doing a semi strip tease with his cardi. He will remember last night for the rest of his life. Gross.
Kelly Noble
Owner & Founder, GLAM Adelaide
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Let Me Share My First Time With You
After a refreshing ale at Louies Bar next door (in the heart of Wrigleyville - where the baseball stadium defines the suburb), we ended up tucked away in IO, at a little cocktail table, shared amongst strangers. It was cramped and intimate, and the performers were hilarious. The night began with AIRBOURNE! and then led into the musical Deltones, who created songs on the spot and sang their way through the improv. Very talented guys and girls. I would definitely recommend it.
Kelly Noble
Owner & Founder, GLAM Adelaide
My Fabulous Life With Fox & Estelle
Stay tuned for the follow up.
In the meantime, I will be hitting the Green Mill tonight with Michael Bolden (whom I met at the Twestival - yes we are geeks) and Fox for some Jazz and red wine. See below for some of the famous history that makes the Green Mill an iconic club in Chicago.
Throughout its uproarious history, The Green Mill Jazz Club has played host to a number of famous - and often infamous - celebrities. Opened in 1907 as Pop Morse's Roadhouse, the "Mill" was a stopping place for mourners to celebrate the passing of a friend before proceeding to St. Boniface's Cemetery. By 1910, new owners had converted the roadhouse into the Green Mill Gardens, complete with lantern-lit outdoor dancing and drinking areas, and boasting such headliners as Al Jolson, Eddie Cantor and Sophie Tucker. Actors Wallace Beery and Bronco Billy Anderson also visited the Gardens, hitching their horses to the outdoor post and settling down for a drink after a days work filming westerns at nearby Spoor and Anderson Studios.
As the twenties roared, The Green Mill became mobster territory when Al Capone's henchman, "Machinegun" Jack McGurn, gained a 25% ownership of the club. Manager Danny Cohen had given McGurn the 25% stake to "persuade" comedian/singer Joe E. Lewis from moving his act south to the New Rendezvous Café at Clark and Diversey. McGurn managed to convince Lewis by slitting his throat and cutting off his tongue. Miraculously, Lewis recovered, but his songs never regained their lush sound. The incident was later immortalized in the movie The Joker is Wild, with Frank Sinatra as Joe E. Lewis and a Hollywood soundstage as The Green Mill. Of course, his interest piqued, Sinatra had to visit the club.
Throughout the 1930s, '40s, and 50s, The Green Mill continued to pack 'em in with a heady mix of swing, dance and jazz music. Uptown crowds from the Aragon Ballroom or Uptown and Riviera Theaters would "stop in for one" before or after shows. Business began to slip in the mid-seventies, and in 1986, present owner Dave Jemilo bought The Green Mill and restored it to its prohibition-era, speakeasy décor.
Kelly Noble
Owner & Founder, GLAM Adelaide
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Observations From Living In Chicago
In Chicago I have noticed that people sit at Starbucks all day on their laptops, sipping on a single coffee, and enjoying the atmosphere. I have seen people bring a change of clothing so they can get out of their snow gear and settle in for the afternoon. Many people just sit around doing uni assignments, reading books and relaxing in general. In Australia, I’m not sure if it’s the a moral obligation that prevents us from doing the same, or the expectation of an unfriendly response from staff, but it is certainly not commonplace like it is here.
Unusual Food Colouring
First I noticed that egg yolks were unusually yellow, closely followed by unnaturally orange ‘American’ cheese. Then, it became clear that if its at all possible, food producers in the US try to make their food resemble the culinary delights from the Simpsons. I am not even going to try and figure out why.
Portion Size
I will not even go in to the whole portion-size debate surrounding meals in America, but I assume it has to do with value for money because nobody can be that hungry. On a similar note however, while sitting here at Starbucks on my laptop (yes I’m enjoying the culture while I can!) I have noticed people ordering coffees the size of an old-school milkshake from the corner store. Surely that much caffeine will stop anybody’s heart?
Sunglasses in the Snow
This really has nothing to do with my observations of Chicago, but here’s a handy tip. Wear sunglasses when it’s snowing. It will stop the snow from blinding you when those freezing little pieces of ice try to hurl themselves into your eyeball on their final journey.
Words of Confusion
Do not say cupboard, unless referring to the kitchen. Common mistakes like this will ensure you are given a look as though you’ve just laid an egg. We call this the ‘Just Laid An Egg Look’. Other occasions which evoke the JLAEL are using the word ‘pissed’ when meaning drunk. Here it just means angry. A lift is an elevator. Rubbish bins are trash cans. And wanker just doesn’t translate well. Also, avoid saying Tuna – the pronunciation (chu-na) is confused with chicken. You will never be understood unless you change the pronunciation of Tuna to (two-na).
Paris Hilton
Everyone here hates her. It’s hilarious. That is all.
Kelly Noble
Owner & Founder, GLAM Adelaide
Friday, February 20, 2009
Social Media Observations
Debunking Six Social Media Myths
Using social media to market your business is a good idea. Just don't plan on getting your whiz-kid nephew to do it for free
Kelly Noble
Owner & Founder, GLAM Adelaide
Victorian Bushfire Victims 2009
The interesting thing is, that I can only speak from the experience I seem to be having from the other side of the world, as I am currently in Chicago. We are getting no coverage of the disaster here - or only fleeting glimpses on the TV when the fires were in their first days, but since then, my knowledge of what's going on has all been through the internet.
I have had over 50 facebook requests to join bushfire relief/fundraising support groups. I have been asked to promote dozens and dozens of Adelaide based events which are also raising funds. I have been sent info from the Red Cross, Salvation Army, RSPCA, and all sorts of groups who are helping out with victims, their families and animals affected by the disaster. So, I have created a section on the GLAM Adelaide website ( sharing this information with my community - and it's been getting a huge number of hits. People actually care.
One girl who I used to work with at SKYCITY Adelaide Casino wrote to me and said she had donated her entire paycheck to the relief efforts.
Another guy I know is bringing Krisy Kreme donughts to Adelaide (yes, can you believe we STILL don't have them there!) and selling them for $15 a box to raise money. On his first day he sold nearly 100 boxes. Just unbelieveable what one person can do.
Anyway, I seem to be ranting, but I am excited that there is still humanity left in the world, even if it does take a major disaster to bring out the best in people.
Kelly Noble
Owner & Founder, GLAM Adelaide
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
14 Tools of Highly Effective Twitter Users
14 Tools of Highly Effective Twitter Users
Check out for a collection of the 14 best tools available to help you manage and maximize twitter in alphabetical order!
Kelly Noble
Owner & Founder, GLAM Adelaide
Saturday, February 14, 2009
2009 Is The Time
First thing's first. I have started a life boot camp. Everything is being overhauled. I'm back at the gym 4 times a week. I'm working on the way I treat other people. I am consciously out to be a better person. I'm even using sunscreen. I am redoing all of my websites. I'm filing things. I'm tidying up my accounting systems. I'm following up unpaid invoices. I am taking control of my life again. It's awesome. I have begun networking in Chicago, beginning yesterday with a casual networking lunch on North Lincoln, followed by the Twestival at the Catalyst Ranch. What a great place. I'm meeting new and inspiring people. I am reading up on the latest online marketing methods. I am surrounding myself with positive people.
2009 is the time. It's the time to make things count.
Kelly Noble
Owner & Founder, GLAM Adelaide