Sunday, February 22, 2009

Observations From Living In Chicago

Making Yourself At Home At Starbucks

In Chicago I have noticed that people sit at Starbucks all day on their laptops, sipping on a single coffee, and enjoying the atmosphere. I have seen people bring a change of clothing so they can get out of their snow gear and settle in for the afternoon. Many people just sit around doing uni assignments, reading books and relaxing in general. In Australia, I’m not sure if it’s the a moral obligation that prevents us from doing the same, or the expectation of an unfriendly response from staff, but it is certainly not commonplace like it is here.

Unusual Food Colouring

First I noticed that egg yolks were unusually yellow, closely followed by unnaturally orange ‘American’ cheese. Then, it became clear that if its at all possible, food producers in the US try to make their food resemble the culinary delights from the Simpsons. I am not even going to try and figure out why.

Portion Size

I will not even go in to the whole portion-size debate surrounding meals in America, but I assume it has to do with value for money because nobody can be that hungry. On a similar note however, while sitting here at Starbucks on my laptop (yes I’m enjoying the culture while I can!) I have noticed people ordering coffees the size of an old-school milkshake from the corner store. Surely that much caffeine will stop anybody’s heart?

Sunglasses in the Snow

This really has nothing to do with my observations of Chicago, but here’s a handy tip. Wear sunglasses when it’s snowing. It will stop the snow from blinding you when those freezing little pieces of ice try to hurl themselves into your eyeball on their final journey.

Words of Confusion

Do not say cupboard, unless referring to the kitchen. Common mistakes like this will ensure you are given a look as though you’ve just laid an egg. We call this the ‘Just Laid An Egg Look’. Other occasions which evoke the JLAEL are using the word ‘pissed’ when meaning drunk. Here it just means angry. A lift is an elevator. Rubbish bins are trash cans. And wanker just doesn’t translate well. Also, avoid saying Tuna – the pronunciation (chu-na) is confused with chicken. You will never be understood unless you change the pronunciation of Tuna to (two-na).

Paris Hilton

Everyone here hates her. It’s hilarious. That is all.

Kelly Noble
Owner & Founder, GLAM Adelaide

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