Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fashion Parade Fashion Etiquette

Tonight I'm heading to the Carnevale Italian Festival Fashion Parade as one of their guests. This always fills me with dread and excitement, as I love a good fashion parade, but I hate knowing I'll be judged on what I wear. Luckily for me, I've built up quite a wardrobe over the years, so it's probably easier for me than some, but still, it is something I approach with caution.

Should you ever wear designs which may appear on the catwalk? I often see this happen at parades, and I always get caught when I'm MCing a parade and I'm dressed by the designer. Although I love wearing the latest fashion garment from the designer being featured, there is nothing worse than seeing the same dress on a size 8 catwalk model half my age.  I always make sure I accessorise creatively to make the outfit look as different as possible. I'm not sure what the etiquette is for wearing say, a Liza Emanuele dress to a Liza Emanuele parade, but if you can get past the models wearing the same clothes, there is often someone else in the audience wearing the same thing. Wearer beware. I guess it's kind of like wearing a band t-shirt to their gig.

Then there are the people who try to look as cutting edge and fashion forward as possible. In a small city like Adelaide, these people tend to stick out, and more often than not, they are silently approved of by the crowd. Although we wouldn't wear what they've been brave enough to don, we respect them for being different. That being said, there are always a few failures, and it takes all my will power not to start a 'what not to wear' column on Glam Adelaide.

Finally, there seems to be the black crowd. Those who wear black, hope to blend in but still look somewhat fashionable at the same time. Black is safe. Black hides a multitude of sins. Black is my friend.

I did say at the start of today's blog though, that I'm going to an Italian Festival. Here's hoping I see some flamboyant European outfits both on and off the catwalk!

Photo: couture + love + madness
The Spirit of the Black Dress
Photographer: Simon Cecere
Model: Rebecca from Fox
Hair: Ashley McCormack
MUA: Ana Mikulić

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