Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions. Bah Humbug.

Does anyone actually do that whole 'new year's resolution' thing? I certainly don't. Never have. I think it's because I tend to do things as the urge takes me, rather than waiting for a whole year to roll around before I start a new mission to be healthier/happier/fitter etc. I quit smoking one night at a club about ten years ago, after my third packet of cigarettes for the night, and that was the end of that. Any time I want to lose weight, I just sign up for another round of Hypoxi in North Adelaide. Drinking? Well pregnancy gave me a well-needed detox from that. This year I think I'm going to try and take more holiday time. Give myself a break from being a workaholic & try to be more family oriented. But that doesn't count as a resolution though, or does it?
Henley Beach, Adelaide - A Place Where I Need To Spend More Time

1 comment:

Lee Hopkins said...

Bless you for saying 'oriented' instead of the god-awful 'orientated'. I want to shoot the radio whenever I hear someone say the latter...